Where do you go first when you need expert advice or an answer to a pressing question? Google is my best guess. Well, it's not only you – Google alone answers over two billion search inquiries each day.
When you type a question into the search field, the webpage links that appear as results are content. You absorb content daily, whether you realize it or not.
That marketing strategy manual you downloaded...
Those articles that tell you how to use Facebook ads better...
The video tutorial on how to pass that GTA V mission...
Twitter tweets, Facebook videos, Reddit chats, blog posts, etc.
Content is a large part of your everyday life. It's practically impossible to avoid. Content informs us, answers our questions, entertains us, makes us laugh, guides our decisions, and much more.
Content helps you reel in and engage prospects and customers, eventually generating revenue for your company.
In other words, if you're not creating content, you're falling behind.
Content creation is about creating ideas explicitly tailored to specific people, using these ideas to build visual or written content, and making that information accessible to your audience in any format.
In marketing, everyone is busy. That's why we establish processes for everything we do. Therefore, every process needs to be effective. Content creators develop a system, implement it, modify it until it works, and then repeat that system process repeatedly to achieve desired results. In the business world, every plan has a method and a process. Content creation is no exception.
Listed below are the steps in the content creation process. Follow them, and you are surely generating more than average content to be consumed daily.
Creating your buyer persona will give you some ideas for things to write about and questions your audience may have, which is a wonderful start. You must determine whether those concepts can be used on a grander scale to a larger audience.
SEO study, also known as keyword research, will show you the search volume of a given keyword phrase and whether it will be worth your while to develop content around it.
Writing down some questions that your persona might have based on their difficulties and aspirations is an excellent method to start keyword research. Then, conduct keyword research around those inquiries to check if enough individuals are searching for them. A good rule of thumb is to target keywords with a monthly search volume (MSV) and keyword difficulty corresponding to your domain authority. Trying to target high volume (read: highly competitive) keywords when you're just starting will not go well. You can conduct keyword research in a variety of ways, including:
• Make use of keyword research tools.
• Enter your keyword into a search engine and note the auto-completed queries.
• Examine the related searches section of search engine results pages (SERPs).
Now that you've decided on which keywords to target, it's time to develop some content ideas. According to HubSpot research, the best way to organize content is through topic clusters, which means you create a long-form, comprehensive pillar page based on a keyword that then links to content on related subtopics (think blog posts).
To prove this point, consider the following.
Because you now have structure to follow, the topic cluster model makes brainstorming much easier. You can use your primary keyword to create a key piece that goes in-depth on that topic, such as a guide to content creation. Then, you can create smaller pieces of content that help your audience dive deeper into the topic and target long-tail keywords.
If you're stuck for ideas, consider looking for inspiration in books you've read, industry studies, your competitors' websites, or related SERP searches.
Once you've jotted down all of your ideas, you may create an editorial calendar and begin creating.
There are different ways of passing across your information, and this is where you leverage what you do best as a content creator. Your particular strength in content development could be videos, graphics, or podcasts. However, whatever your strength is, the process of production follows some consistent guidelines:
• Write to your alter ego. Use the voice, euphemisms, and even humor to create a resonating piece.
• Use titles, meta descriptions, and other teasers to entice readers to read your material. Put the advantage of your content right in the headline to convince readers that they should read it.
• Go for distinctive. Don't just regurgitate information that's already out there. To accentuate your points, use a unique style or cite new research.
• Concentrate on one concept and use your content to reinforce it. Don't lead your reader astray by going off on tangents or attempting to explain multiple semi-related topics in a single piece.
• Maintain your unique voice. Don't impress your audience with eloquent writing styles or an extensive vocabulary.
• Be concise. Allow your audience to relate to you and derive value from your content.
Editing your own (or other people's) work is a highly subjective process. You may want to edit as you go, or you may want to give it a few days and attack it from another perspective.
In any case, there are a few things to keep in mind as you refine your content – short sentences, clear language, and active rather than passive voice. Consider having a colleague or friend look over your work as well.
Hemingway Editor and Grammarly are two tools that will help you cut down on your editing time.
You'll need to put your content somewhere where people can find it now that it's finished. A content management system (CMS) is software that stores digital content and displays it on your website (or anywhere else on the web).
The advantage of using a CMS is that it connects all of your content and stores it in one location. So, you can easily link to a landing page in your blog article or insert a content offer in an email. Not only that, but you can analyze the results of all the content you created for a specific campaign (which can help with content audits). A CMS saves you from having a disjointed content marketing system.
Publishing content is easy - just click a button. So, why include a section on it? Well, because it's not always that simple. Yes, you can publish your content immediately after uploading, or you can maximize its impact by waiting for an optimal time.
Publishing right away probably won't impact your audience too much if you're just starting. But if you have committed to a regular publishing schedule, like delivering a new post every Thursday, your audience will expect to see posts published on Thursdays.
Something else to keep in mind is to publish according to trends or time-sensitive events. For example, if you create content about trending events or international holidays, you'll want to publish those at specific times.
Some content management systems allow you to schedule posts for a future date and specific time so that you can click, schedule, and move on.
Finally, it's time to promote the content you've created. You can do this through various mediums, including social media, email marketing, and even pay-per-click advertising.
To promote your content, think about what channels your audience is. Instagram, Twitter, or YouTube? Your content must be promoted through those channels for engagement wherever your audience is.
Collaboration with social media influencers and brands will also help you promote your content and reach a larger audience.
Back-linking, keyword analysis, and content creation make up SEO optimization. Columbamax helps develop and manage all of this, all at once. Visit our website to know more!